Chi Body Curriculum

From building the Foundation to Developing Advanced Martial & Energetic Skill

The Chi Body method curriculum contains fundamental exercises (stances, postures, and kicks), qigong (standing meditation), neigong (internal skill), qigong and neigong forms, cultivation of dantian (energy centers), activation of deeper layers of connective tissues, and advanced body mechanics to amplify martial and energetic skills.

Fundamental Stances & Postures

Stances and postures are the foundation to developing martial and energetic skills. Training the stances and postures enhances structural integrity, stability, whole-body strength, and power. These stances and postures should be first practiced on their own and then integrate into qigong, neigong, and forms.

Fundamental & Practical Kicks

Fundamental kicks are an important aspect of building the foundation. These kicks are designed to enhance core strength, whole-body stability and power, flexibility of tendons and ligaments, improve lung capacity, endurance, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Qigong / Standing Meditation

Qigong or standing meditation is an integral part of developing martial and energetic skills. By working with specific breathing techniques, qi energy can be created inside the body to uncover the hidden pathway (meridian channels) for this qi energy to flow. The flow of qi is the initial mechanism to establish a strong mind-body connection.

Neigong / Internal Skill

Neigong or internal skill is considered an advanced level of qigong. Neigong is a complete management system for the cultivation, accumulation, and transmission of essence, qi energy, and spirit, through specific mechanisms of building the dantian (energy centers). The manipulation of dantian can generate jin or force to amplify martial power.

Qigong, Neigong, & Kung Fu Forms

Forms are designed to unify qigong, neigong, Kung Fu, and self-defense into a sequence of movements. Practicing the forms allows the body to open & close, compress & expand, twist & coil, which stretches the tendons, opens the joints, circulates the energetic force, build martial power, and manifest the true meaning of yin and yang through the body and mind set in motion.

Theories, Energy Circulation, & Body Mechanics

Consciousness (energy) and body (material) are the representation of yin and yang forces in nature. Our system takes a holistic approach of replenishing the qi energy and re-wiring the body back to it’s natural state. To achieve this natural state requires a systemic method of working with the deeper layers of the mind and body, which leads to the unification of yin and yang.

The Chi Body Curriculum Consists of Three Stages of Development in Building Strong Martial & Energetic Skills

Building The Martial & Energetic Foundation, Body Alignment, & Functional Strength

Beginner Levels: 1, 2, 3

Building the Structural Body, Energetic Cultivation, & Mind-Body Connection

Intermediate Levels: 4, 5, 6

Building the Elastic Body Powered by Dantian Force & Subconcious Mind

Advanced Levels: 7, 8, 9